Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Ballet workshop recount by Junefia


Ballet Workshop

Today, Rm 8’s routine will be different because we will be learning how to do ballet. We HAVE to do this because it is related to our next trip, which we will be seeing ballerinas acting out the Ugly Duckling.

It is Monday morning, another day of school. Rm 8 went through their morning routine really quickly because we have a ballet workshop. We relocated in the school hall and when we arrived, our guest’s name was Lauren and she works for the RNZB (Royal New Zealand Ballet). She came to teach us some important positions and moves of ballet that we will see the dancers do when we go on our trip to watch the “Ugly Duckling” that  was performed by the ballerinas. 

RNZB Performance: The Ugly Duckling - Wheelchair Booking, Soundings  Theatre, Level 2, Wellington, July 15 to April 20 |

Our first task was to take off our shoes and start learning our positions. First position: legs together and feet apart, Second position: legs apart and toes pointing out, Third position:  right foot in front of left foot , Fourth position: heel touching toes, Fifth position: Same as fourth position but closer. After learning the main 5 positions, Lauren started playing songs with beats that we can dance along to.

Ballet Terms for Beginners | TutuTix

When everyone gets used to getting into the ballet positions, Lauren teaches us how to do the leap:run and then jump, landing on the toes. We also learnt the way we should stand while waiting for the music to play. Lauren started to talk about different moves that we will see in the performances, she started to play other random songs for each line to dance along to. After dancing for minutes, Lauren decided to teach us the Kia dance. We will also see the ballerinas do this dance. Directions: walk up to the stage and jump, and then pretend to brush feathers off, and then act like a bird while leaping into the air.

Ballet positions of the arms


This ballet workshop was better than I thought. I hope I will recognize the dances that we did when we go see the performances!

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