Monday, August 3, 2020

The origin of life - Session 1

Here are our first thoughts from the first 1 and a half minutes of a video.

Darwin's theory of evolution
  • about monkeys - people coming to life
  • Charles Darwin was born in 1809 and died in 1884
  • he wrote a book called 'the origin of species' in 1859
  • "Theory of biological evolution" - he was learning about evolution of humans
  • humans can change
  • his father was a doctor and his mum died when he was 8
  • Darwin's theory was that humans evolved from monkeys and a fish evolved from bacteria. 
  • "a man who dares to waste one hour of his time, has not discovered the value of life"
  • Charles Darwin. 


  1. Amazing work room 8

  2. good job room 8 i like your guys is work keep it up:))))

  3. nice work room 8 That is a lot of information keep up the great work
