Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Kuia and the spider

We read the story called Kuia and the Spider. Miss Ashley took pictures of the book and we had to put them in the right order.  The picture above is Fereti's work.

Some of us Screencasted to tell the story and some of us wrote it out. 

Here is Lynch's retelling of the story.

Once upon a time there lived a kuia a kuia is a grandma and in the corner of her kitchen and one day the spider said to the kuia my weaving is better than yours . The kuia respond my weaving is better than yours. They began to fight then the spider said on saturday when our grandchildren come over they will decide who has the better weaving the kuia agreed .That day on the kuia and the spider had never stopped weaving and then on saturday the kuia asked her grandchildren whos weaving is better but her grandchildren did not answer they sat on the sitting mate a sang songs got some kites and picked some kumara and and got some kites went to the garden and picked some vegetables they even found some kites with their names on it and held them tite. Then the spider asked her grandchildren but they did not answer they had parties raped flyes in webes and hid them  and then the spider said to the kuia i think i might go to someone else's kitchen and then the kuia said i am going to live in the wash house but she didn't she went to sleep with her grandchildren. The spider said she would go to someone else’s kitchen but she didn’t she went to sleep with her grandchildren.

The spider said to the kuia my grandchildren are better than yours and the kuia said my grandchildren are better than yours and they just kept fighting.

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